Ultra Pro - Page for BGS Beckett Slabs
Angebot für 5x BGS Grading Ordner Seite
The Graded Slab Page is the perfect way to store, organize and easily view your graded card slabs in an Ultra PRO 3-ring album. This page is designed to hold 4 BGS Beckett graded slabs in a rigid, 3-hole punched page.
This page features special lock-in tabs and finger notches to easily remove and reorganize slabs.
These pages are a great way to show off your collection or easily carry to conventions and signings.
(BGS Graded slabs not included)
Sized to hold 4 standard BGS graded slabs
3-hole punched to fit in Ultra PRO albums
Special lock-in tabs secure slabs into place
Finger notches to easily retrieve slabs
4 pages fit in a 3" binder (binder not included)
BGS Karten sowie BGS Case nicht im Angebot enthalten, sie dienen nur als Muster. Im Angebot werden nur Ordnerseiten für die BGS Karten verkauft ohne Inhalt.